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10/09/2021 09:31

Publicação Preliminar - 2021 - Setembro

Brazil and the United States: routes for improving a historical economic partnership


Authors: Flavio Lyrio Carneiro and Walter Desiderá


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This Note aims at bringing together a set of indicators and features regarding the bilateral economic relations of Brazil and the US, besides of suggesting areas for potential complementarity. Four main issues are examined: 1) the recent evolution and features of bilateral trade in goods and services; 2) aspects related to trade policy in both countries, comprising tariffs, non-tariff measures, trade agreements and trade defense; 3) features of the bilateral flows and stocks of direct investments; 4) potential areas for cooperation in science and technology. The study is concluded with an arrangement of some proposals to foster bilateral relations.

Brazil-US bilateral relations; international trade; foreign direct investment; international cooperation.



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